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Booklet of Abstracts: World Buiatrics Congress 2024 Mexico

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Booklet of Abstracts: World Buiatrics Congress 2024 Mexico

Discover the latest research and innovations in the control of parasites, reproduction, calf health, pain management, Q Fever and udder health.

This comprehensive e-book brings together groundbreaking studies and practical solutions presented at the World Buiatrics Congress 2024 in Mexico, focusing on the health and management of ruminants.

In this e-book you will find…

Insights into key areas of ruminant health, including:

  • Q Fever: Better Knowledge and Control.
  • reprodAction: Reproductive Management in Action.
  • Calf Health: Care and Protection from Birth.
  • beprecise: Precision in Control of Parasites.
  • Udder Health: Smart Innovation and Differentiation.
  • Pain Management in Cattle

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