María Martínez Valladares (Senior Scientist at CSIC)
María Martínez Valladares has a degree and PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Leon, Spain, and currently, she is a Senior Scientist at Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in the Mountain Livestock Institute. She is a member of the research group ENTROPIA (Tropical and Parasitic Diseases), leading the research on helminth parasites. She also belongs to the European network LiHRA, “Livestock Helminth Research Alliance” https://www.lihra.eu/. In 2019, she received the "Peter Nansen Young Scientist Award" by the "World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology", a recognition to the best young researcher. In 2020 she was awarded as Full Member of the “Spanish Young Academy”, being the only veterinarian among all members.
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