Luis A. Quintela (Senior Lecturer in Animal Reproduction)
Professor in the Department of Animal Pathology at the Veterinary Faculty in Lugo, Unvidersidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC). Graduate with a DVM in 1989 and PhD in Veterinary Science in 1996 at the USC. Teaching reproduction and obstetrics, veterinary clinical ultrasound and dairy cattle medicine for graduate and MA students. Adviser in reproduction for a pharmaceutical company since 2007. In the field of investigation, he has participated in and directed several research projects and collaborated with I+D+I programs of several pharmaceutical companies. He has more than one hundred articles of investigation and divulgation and more than one hundred thirty meeting abstracts in national and international congress, he has eight books or book chapters, and he has a patent in exploitation. Most of his works were developed in the field of reproduction in cattle.